Monday, April 8, 2013

"Life is like a camera...focus on what's important and you'll capture it perfectly."

At this current point in my life this quote right here fits me.  Since out of high school nothing as gone the way I've planed or always imagined it.  For starters I became a mother sooner than I had expected.  Next would be the splitting up of my parents/family.  Last would be me living on my own with my significant other.  All different things with good and bad aspects to them depending on how you view them.  

For the most part what I'm getting at is I've always taking whatever I was dealt and found a way to make the best out of it.  This time around things are different and I'm "capturing" my moments in a different light.  The difference in my thinking is now thanks to my daughter Alana.  I try to look at things now with a double focus- what's going to make me happy and what benefits her future.  She has helped me get this far in my life but I would like to take things even further.  

These past couple of months I have been in a funk and severely depressed because I feel I am not where I should be at this point in my life.  I've been focusing mostly on providing for her but forgetting to enjoy myself in the process.  I've always lucked out with finding jobs but the joy in them has never lasted which as brought me to my current miserable state.  However, recently there has been a spark in me.

Being spontaneous I recently went to a job fair with a friend in the city.  Didn't expect to find anything but I had hope and an open mind.  I ended up not only finding some interesting career options for myself  but also my motivation in the process.  After that I had made an appointment with ASA and on an impulse went to an open house for The Art Institute.  This brings me to today...starting classes at The Art Institute in May.

My main point is to say that nothing is given to us freely.  Our lives are what we make them.  We are all given opportunities and it is up to us to take advantage of them ("capture" them) or let them pass us by.  You can't be mad at nobody but yourself if your life doesn't turn out the way you want it to if you didn't do anything to get anywhere.  This is why I started making moves for myself.  Because I want to be able to be passionate about whatever I decide to do and look back at my life with no regrets.

So hears to capturing moments to make our lives perfect.   

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